In this episode of Show N’ Play, I talk about the classic NES game 1943: The Battle of Midway while showing you a 1943 Japanese phrase book from WW2!
In this episode of History N’ Games, Meghan interviews Max Miller from Tasting History!
Are Coco and Lloyd lovely neighbors or total nightmare fuel? In this History N’ Games episode, I explain the cool and spooky origins of these two Animal Crossing characters!
In this video I explore the meaning behind the names Selene, Vassos, and Atropos. Also, what’s up with the sun (Helios) signs I’m seeing in the trailers??
In this video I explain the meaning behind the names Arval and Larva, and how one of these names may be a warning to players not to trust this new character… (Note: This video contains spoilers for Fire Emblem: 3 Houses.)
Hey, guys! In this quick & fun video, I briefly explore the history of the square root, inspired by the title for Nier: Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139! Note: I’m pretty sure I blundered the pronunciation for the names Regiomontanus and Baudhāyana so I sincerely apologize. Also, since this is a quick and breezy video, I didn’t include EVERY mathematical genius that dealt with advanced computations or square numbers (notice people like Newton and Fibonacci are absent),…
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