The Earliest History of the Yakuza
In this episode host Meghan Sullivan explores the misty beginnings of Japan’s notorious crime syndicate, which may go as far back as 900 years.
In this episode host Meghan Sullivan explores the misty beginnings of Japan’s notorious crime syndicate, which may go as far back as 900 years.
In this episode, I discuss all the whacky ways people tried to cross the Oregon Trail, which included planes, ships, and….a blimp!?
Let’s talk about the super shady origins of Zagreus from Hades, and why he’s LITERALLY a tasty dish.
In this special two-part episode of History N’ Games, host Meghan Sullivan talks about the hilarious mob simulator Okhlos, and its surprising connection to the real-life, CRAZY origins of democracy. Then in the next episode, Meghan interviews Professor Josiah Ober of Stanford University about the state of democracy today.
In this History N’ Games interview, game developer Helen Carmichael discusses the upcoming sequel to Regency Solitaire, helpful tips on how to make a good game, and how history (and romance novels!) have inspired her work.
Guess what? My first academic presentation ever is now available to the public! Called “How the Underworld Helps the Gaming World,” it’s all about how developers can use the Greek Underworld to build an engaging video game from characters to levels, monsters to NPCs. If you enjoyed this video, let me know! ^_^
In this video I explain the meaning behind the names Arval and Larva, and how one of these names may be a warning to players not to trust this new character… (Note: This video contains spoilers for Fire Emblem: 3 Houses.)
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